About Us

Rebuilding Together DC • Alexandria is an award-winning, mission-driven organization that creates healthy neighborhoods for residents in Washington, DC and Alexandria, Virginia by:

  • Maintaining housing for low-income homeowners
  • Providing critical home repairs that eliminate health and safety hazards
  • Providing modifications and upgrades to schools, parks, and other common spaces in underserved neighborhoods
  • Creating homeownership opportunities

In doing so, we:

  • Help DC and Alexandria residents – including families with children, older adults, individuals with disabilities, and veterans – continue to live safely and independently in their homes.
  • Address home repair and maintenance issues that potentially present an immediate safety or health risk to local homeowners – thereby preventing unnecessary illness, disease, and perhaps even death.
  • Maintain vibrant communities where people of all income groups and cultures live in safe and healthy homes.
  • Prevent local homeowners from being one home maintenance bill away from a missed mortgage payment or bankruptcy or homelessness.

Supported by the DC Department of Aging and Community Living


[Re]pairing homes,

[Re]vitalizing communities,

[Re]building lives.


Safe homes and communities for everyone.

  • Transparency and integrity
  • Serve all residents in need, regardless of gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, etc.
  • Collaborate and partner with related organizations
  • Complete projects in an environmentally conscious manner
  • Sustain a fiscally and operationally sound organization 

“The city of Alexandria and its residents have greatly benefited by Rebuilding Together Alexandria’s free home repairs.”

Former Mayor William Euille, City of Alexandria

Rebuilding Together Network

We are part of a national network of more than 130 affiliates, making Rebuilding Together the nation’s largest nonprofit working to preserve affordable home-ownership, revitalize neighborhoods, and provide home repair services free of charge to those in need. 

“I feel like I won the lottery. It’s the best thing to happen. It’s a blessing.”

CH, Homeowner


Rebuilding Together DC • Alexandria was established in 1986, and during that time, we have: 

  • Served households with average annual income of just $31,116. Nationally, there are 25.4 million low-income homeowners, 11.8 million of whom are elderly (Census 2012).
  • Recruited more than 30,000 volunteers, who have worked on more than 3,000 projects.
  • Leverage $8.8 million worth of in-kind value to the community. 

Though we provide repair services year-round, many volunteer projects take place on National Rebuilding Day in April. Annually, 1,000+ volunteers donated $350,000+ in manual labor and materials to DC and Alexandria’s homeowners in need.

If you know of a DC or Alexandria homeowner that can be served through our programs, please contact us at 202.800.6032.