February 8, 2023 by Rebuilding Together DCA
Black History Month celebrates the achievements and contributions of African Americans and people of African descent worldwide.
In FY 2022 88% of clients served by Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria identified as African American/Black.
Both Washington, DC, and Alexandria, VA are rich in Black history. Consult the resources below to learn more about the historical significance of Mr. Stanley Greene’s home, one of our very own Alexandria clients; how you can support local Black-owned businesses; and the history of Washington, DC as “The Chocolate City”.
Colored Rosemont – A Black History Lesson “Stanley Greene’s parents John Henry and Carrie Maxwell Greene purchased their, now his, detached one story brick, 720 sq. ft., Wythe Street home in 1949…Alexandria’s first segregated public housing was constructed in 1942 in the Braddock neighborhood; the 90 unit white-only John Roberts and the 15 unit black-only Ramsey Homes.”
30 Black-Owned Businesses in Alexandria to Support Right Now “Want to deepen your impact on small businesses? Help say that “Black lives matter” by supporting these Black-owned businesses in Alexandria today, tomorrow and beyond. Explore our non-exhaustive list of restaurants, retail, beauty and wellness businesses, and see how owners described their operations to us. Delve deeper into Alexandria’s Black history and culture here.”
Washington DC – Chocolate City