For the past 52 years, Judy has been able to comfortably reside in her home without fear or reservations. Unlike many other seniors her age, she hasn’t any plans to relocate. Partly because of the efforts of Rebuilding Together DCA.
Our training and our vision to improve the lives of older people so that they can live independently were highlights for Judy. Not having to leave her precious home unless she wanted to was a plus. At 85 years old, she is able to take care of her hygiene needs because of the stairlift and safety bars that were added to her bathroom. She received a refrigerator to store her homecooked meals. When days are nice, she is able to safely walk outside and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature because of the walkway that was placed in the backyard.
Truly, our Rebuilding Together DCA supporters and sponsors have helped to change her life and the lives of so many others. This is just the beginning and we hope that you will continue to be a part of our efforts to make our communities and the world a little bit better.